Saturday, 10 November 2012

Independence Information

parliamentary information office: the SG has always had the power to move tax on earnings by 3 p in the pound up or down. Now it will be 10p due to the Scotland act. So have they ever reduced PAYE tax. They could do it tomorrow if they wanted help low income families and others. 75 percent of all Uk law comes from Brussels. In the eurozone it is raidly increasing. That would be because it's a political union. What do you think that huge parliament in Brussels is there for?--- give me all your money and I will give you some pocket money back? The Uk borrows 10 billion per year to keep Scotland at the standard it has. It's not pocket money. It's everything plus 10 billion. Which part of the word deficit do you not understand? If you want independence then there are few south of the border who actually care. But don't pretend and play the victim.

parliamentary information office: The SNP have made up their policies on the hoof. From a scrap book out of a Christmas wish list. No consultations have been made with the third parties required to deliver the goodies.

First it was EU membership and next it will invariably be no thank you to sharing the £. The third rider of the apocalypse will when the USA announces shortly before the referendum no nukes no NATO.

Best plans laid bare. Thats the trouble with thinking aloud before actually thinking things through and getting agreements in place first.

parliamentary information office: Cooking the books is hardly a surprise. What is more surprising that some people do actually believe that a £10bn deficit can actually deliver an additional £500 a head to spend. Bendy calculators are the order of the day.

parliamentary information office: I doubt that anybody will be able to produce definitive figures for the cost/benefit of Independence to Scotland. It will probably come down to feelings of national pride. If the Scots wish to be independent, then they must be, whatever the consequences. After all, the British appear to want to be free from the smothering embrace of the EU. There would eventually be agreement on the allocation of assets and debts and what to do about defence. At the very least there will be no need for the sort of bickering that seems to be so prevalent on these comment pages, as well as in politics.

Get more detailed political information at parliamentary information office.

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