parliamentary information office: Please fix it for me to get a job in the BBC where I can be asleep on the job and receive a large payout when someone wakes me up.
parliamentary information office:
What you mean is they've been suspended or in modern parlance "sent on gardening leave".
Only the BBC would come up with a "form of words" designed to sugar the pill in case it hurts the little dears' feelings.
And while we're having a wee rant about it, what does the Head of News do that the Head of Newsgathering doesn't do?
Or how come there are enough spare bodies kicking around the place that they can just take over someone else's job pro tem at the drop of a hat? That's three so far.
Palmesan is right — it's long past re-entry time for Spaceship Beeb. Question is whether the heatshield can stand it.
parliamentary information office:
The Today Programme this morning demonstrated all that was wrong with the BBC: lengthy interviews with an unrepresentive number of licence payers, followed by David Dimbleby with his mantra of 'great, talented, underpaid' (apparently the problems are all down to semantics); no mention of the child abuse cover-ups; stepping aside of staff (no doubt to allow them time to negotiate their severance pay); no mention of tax avoidance scams.When will they accept that living off tithes coerced from the public under threat of criminal prosecution is immoral.
parliamentary information office:
At least we're getting to see plenty of the £1 billion refurbisment of Television Centre as the revolving door whirls ever faster with staff "stepping aside" and then nipping back into to arrange their obscene pay-offs or new job-titles.
parliamentary information office
parliamentary information office:
What you mean is they've been suspended or in modern parlance "sent on gardening leave".
Only the BBC would come up with a "form of words" designed to sugar the pill in case it hurts the little dears' feelings.
And while we're having a wee rant about it, what does the Head of News do that the Head of Newsgathering doesn't do?
Or how come there are enough spare bodies kicking around the place that they can just take over someone else's job pro tem at the drop of a hat? That's three so far.
Palmesan is right — it's long past re-entry time for Spaceship Beeb. Question is whether the heatshield can stand it.
parliamentary information office:
The Today Programme this morning demonstrated all that was wrong with the BBC: lengthy interviews with an unrepresentive number of licence payers, followed by David Dimbleby with his mantra of 'great, talented, underpaid' (apparently the problems are all down to semantics); no mention of the child abuse cover-ups; stepping aside of staff (no doubt to allow them time to negotiate their severance pay); no mention of tax avoidance scams.When will they accept that living off tithes coerced from the public under threat of criminal prosecution is immoral.
parliamentary information office:
At least we're getting to see plenty of the £1 billion refurbisment of Television Centre as the revolving door whirls ever faster with staff "stepping aside" and then nipping back into to arrange their obscene pay-offs or new job-titles.
parliamentary information office
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