Saturday, 12 January 2013

Tax Rise in Pensions

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: I believe that the government are trying to find a way to increase current revenues and make it sound like they are trying to look after the nation.  The truth is that they probably have information which shows that they will be increasing the pension age over the years, so those currently under 40 won't be able to get their pension until 75.  Government actuaries have probably worked out that with a pension age of 75, they will have only x percentage still alive to receive a pension.

This is getting pretty sick.  There was a recent report that revealed that there is no country in the world where men have an average life expectancy of over 80.  So this will mean for a very large percentage of people, that they won't have a period of retirement, unless they have private means to support themselves.

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: Amazing that the English are still sitting on their backsides doing nothing. You deserve everything you get. Churchill once said the best argument against democracy is a 10 minute conversation with an average voter. And that was when kids were getting a better education than now.

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