Sunday, 27 January 2013

Parliamentary Information Office: Information on Building Confidence

Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office: Do the pundits, the AAA credit rating providers, the global financial bodies  all agree we should essentially borrow or QE to fund a range of infrastructure projects stimulating employment and the supply chain - or do they want more austerity to balance the books?

Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office: To build confidence we need a leader who inspires confidence.

Other updated politics information at parliamentary information office

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Parliamentary Information Office: Cuts in Welfare Payments Discussion

Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office: It's obviously essential that large numbers of families "lose" some money by the "cuts" since otherwise the cuts won't save any money.  The current levels of "benefits" are completely unsustainable and it's a great shame they were uprated by 5% last year. They should have gone up 1% and the money saved should have been spent on productive investment like infrastructure and R&D.

Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office: If they are worried about people on low incomes then stop taxing them and stop importing millions of people to compete with them for jobs and services.

Valuable Parliamentary Information Office Review Information

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Parliamentary Information Office and Parliamentary Year book Online: About Talented People

Parliamentary Information Office and Parliamentary Year book Online: Talented' people who leave the country because of high tax's? Well this does come into it but also think of a country where quality of life is dropping dramatically.

NHS at 3rd world level! Schools who put PC policies above education! Schools who teach verses from the koran to Christian children! Infrastructure outdated! Corrupt officials! Corrupt parliament! A society in which low level people on benefit seem to be more thought of! 

The list is endless but maybe one sentence can some it up? The country is past its sell by date thanks to the people who govern it, the EU!

online blog post at parliamentary information office

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook: Useful Words to Find Parliament News

Below shared words help you to find updated parliament news,
  • Online politics news
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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook Information

Shared helpful keywords to get more news on Parliament,
  • Parliamentary Yearbook Information updates
  • Online Parliamentary Yearbook Information
  • Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office
  • Online Parliamentary Yearbook
  • News by Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office
  • 2013 news updates by Parliamentary Yearbook Information Office

This Parliamentary Yearbook Information blog post shares you significant news.

Valuable Parliamentary Information Office Social Profile shares information about useful Parliamentary resources.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Economy Grow

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: Want a referendum now. A good straight single-issue referendum, and one not subject to government lies and distortions.

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: Need more strategical plan for economical grow.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

About Higher Pay

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: Just how many MPs are on the basic MP's salary? They all seem to be ministers of something or other. In fact can anyone tell me how many ministers there are in parliament?

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: We are only going to vote for those Political Parties or Organisation that want OUT of the EU.  I would even vote for a Micky Mouse Party, rather than any of YOU that want foreigners to govern this Country forever.

parliamentary information office | parliamentary yearbook

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Tax Rise in Pensions

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: I believe that the government are trying to find a way to increase current revenues and make it sound like they are trying to look after the nation.  The truth is that they probably have information which shows that they will be increasing the pension age over the years, so those currently under 40 won't be able to get their pension until 75.  Government actuaries have probably worked out that with a pension age of 75, they will have only x percentage still alive to receive a pension.

This is getting pretty sick.  There was a recent report that revealed that there is no country in the world where men have an average life expectancy of over 80.  So this will mean for a very large percentage of people, that they won't have a period of retirement, unless they have private means to support themselves.

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: Amazing that the English are still sitting on their backsides doing nothing. You deserve everything you get. Churchill once said the best argument against democracy is a 10 minute conversation with an average voter. And that was when kids were getting a better education than now.

parliamentary information office social profile shares valuable updates.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Limits on Benefits and Tax Credits

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook:  Allow people to be paid the true value of their work and there will be no need for paying out 'benefits'.

And get rid of the millions of people who have come here to help themselves to the smorgesbord that is the British benefits system. Send them back to where they came from, to the countries and cultures they miss so much, and we will be on the road to recovery.

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook:  Unemployment benefit is there to replace earned income during times of unemployment, so it should be directly linked to wages - in my view, the minimum wage for a minum work week.

Other benefits are paid to supplement income when wages are too low, so, again, the only benchmark against which they should be measured is wages.

parliamentary information office and online parliamentary yearbook

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Care Standards in Hospitals

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: I am 100% sure that these useless qualifications only exist so that private companies can make money off them. They are worse than worthless in the care environment and are insisted upon by the local authority.

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook:  But surely many of the surveys have shown that it is the trained professional nurses who lack the right skills, aptitude and empathy - long before we come down to those outside that profession - perhaps not least because of the way new nursing grades were devised that seem to preclude the recognition of vocational skills.

Parliamentary information office reviews on the web


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Farming Subsidies

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: We either pay higher prices at the checkout without
subsidies, or lower shopping basket costs, but robbed out of our back pockets
to cover the subsidies.
Funny that I never saw the same support for State Aid
to the coal miners or car workers that farmers whine about.

Online Parliamentary Information Office and Yearbook: The only similar situation in the UK is Welsh hill farmers who get subsidies vastly greater then the revenues from the farm
With these hil farms the basic business is collecting subsidies. THe farm is incidental to it

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Parliamentary Yearbook - Parliamentary Information Office