parliamentary information office: "Listless in the first (debate) and barely there in the third." Really? Everyone agrees that Obama had a poor first debate, even his supporters, but Obama crushed Romney in the second AND THIRD debate. To think otherwise is deliberately obtuse and biased. Every single poll taken afterwards declared Obama to be the clear winner, and by the way, latest polls are giving Obama a bigger lead.
parliamentary information office: I think he could be elected here but his affiliations with the religious right and anti women's rights would probably torpedo him with the middle class and even moderate conservatives
parliamentary information office: The Lotto Max is Canada's version of the American dream. Why? Because investors and banks despise funding small startup companies here, even well established ones. Canada is a resource exporter even though we have some truly genius level people. Keep electing the Libs and Cons folks, and NOTHING WILL CHANGE...your status quo will be secure, but your future won't be.
parliamentary information office: Did you happen to notice that although we just had a record Lotto Max Jackpot...NOBODY WON THE BIG ONE. Congrats Canada, and especially our own beloved OLG who promote gambling as a means to wealth and success, and we are all guilty of 'hoping' we're the 'Lucky One.' I rarely even buy a ticket..did buy 3 hits on this usual, not even a Free Ticket. Bye Bye OLG and your pseudo Tax Plan.
parliamentary information office: He would be electable only if Canada were as anti-social a country as the US. YOU MEAN ANTI-SOIALISTS AS IN ANTI NDP? americans are by no means anti-social, they are actually friendlier than canadians and more open
parliamentary information office: Just like our Harper and Conservaives in Canada, there is very little difference between conservatives and liberals. Both are in the middle, both support middle class and business class,excepting taxation policy.Lierals are dead in Canada,Romnesia equals Harperism.
parliamentary information office: Republicans are three things ---- in the US or a combo of three: religious, racist, or rich. ---- EXTREME BIGOTED GENERALIZATION - is there something wrong with being "religious"? Obama did belong to Jeremiah Wright's church - rich like the Democrat kennedy's and Hollywood stars - university professors are sort of rich by most people's standards -- racist? how?
parliamentary information office: Actually, a large number of minorities have turned Rethuglican because they have more patriotism to Jesus, than to their country. Why? Congress refuses to compromise, but Jesus is coming to save them all. They may hate Obamacare, but they LOVE's their no premium Fire Insurance policy. Just walk down the aisle, pledge your soul, and VOILA, all will be well, including wealth.
parliamentary information office: They focus on the Presidency as though he is a King with unlimited powers. The President is not all powerful. congress writes the laws, determines the funding, and with it the Pork barrel allocations. Congress buries so much BS in otherwise good Bills that it is just a game. That puts the President in the position of choosing the lesser evils, by signing or vetoing what he Congress passes.
This Parliamentary Information Yearbook blog post on multiple choice for election.
parliamentary information office: I think he could be elected here but his affiliations with the religious right and anti women's rights would probably torpedo him with the middle class and even moderate conservatives
parliamentary information office: The Lotto Max is Canada's version of the American dream. Why? Because investors and banks despise funding small startup companies here, even well established ones. Canada is a resource exporter even though we have some truly genius level people. Keep electing the Libs and Cons folks, and NOTHING WILL CHANGE...your status quo will be secure, but your future won't be.
parliamentary information office: Did you happen to notice that although we just had a record Lotto Max Jackpot...NOBODY WON THE BIG ONE. Congrats Canada, and especially our own beloved OLG who promote gambling as a means to wealth and success, and we are all guilty of 'hoping' we're the 'Lucky One.' I rarely even buy a ticket..did buy 3 hits on this usual, not even a Free Ticket. Bye Bye OLG and your pseudo Tax Plan.
parliamentary information office: He would be electable only if Canada were as anti-social a country as the US. YOU MEAN ANTI-SOIALISTS AS IN ANTI NDP? americans are by no means anti-social, they are actually friendlier than canadians and more open
parliamentary information office: Just like our Harper and Conservaives in Canada, there is very little difference between conservatives and liberals. Both are in the middle, both support middle class and business class,excepting taxation policy.Lierals are dead in Canada,Romnesia equals Harperism.
parliamentary information office: Republicans are three things ---- in the US or a combo of three: religious, racist, or rich. ---- EXTREME BIGOTED GENERALIZATION - is there something wrong with being "religious"? Obama did belong to Jeremiah Wright's church - rich like the Democrat kennedy's and Hollywood stars - university professors are sort of rich by most people's standards -- racist? how?
parliamentary information office: Actually, a large number of minorities have turned Rethuglican because they have more patriotism to Jesus, than to their country. Why? Congress refuses to compromise, but Jesus is coming to save them all. They may hate Obamacare, but they LOVE's their no premium Fire Insurance policy. Just walk down the aisle, pledge your soul, and VOILA, all will be well, including wealth.
parliamentary information office: They focus on the Presidency as though he is a King with unlimited powers. The President is not all powerful. congress writes the laws, determines the funding, and with it the Pork barrel allocations. Congress buries so much BS in otherwise good Bills that it is just a game. That puts the President in the position of choosing the lesser evils, by signing or vetoing what he Congress passes.
This Parliamentary Information Yearbook blog post on multiple choice for election.
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